Motion Sickness - the music blog

Why motion sickness? I don't know. It's not like I literally get "nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship". Really, damn it, doesn't life sometimes feel like it moves too quickly where you may have to step outside for a second to unload? Yeah, I hear ya. This is why I listen to music!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Mr. Bank Account, I apologize...

Wow. It's finally Tuesday! There are some great new releases today. I'm definitely going to be broke after I head out to the store. The thing is, most of these albums have been in regular rotation due to early leakage (that doesn't sound right...but I'm leaving it anyway and you can take it how you like).

Common's new album, BE, is released in stores today! I cannot wait to check out the actual final copy, which I hear has a DVD accompanying it. If you or your friends have not heard this album, please, listen to it. If you know me and want to hang out, ask me to play you this album, you will not be disappointed.

The new Gorillaz is officially released today as well. Danger Mouse takes over Dan the Automator's old role and produces the new album. It's pretty good...although I'm not as hooked on it as I was the previous one. This one has some pretty surprising guests on's nice to hear Roots Manuva as a guest, he never seems to dissapoint (when guesting). I'll still pick it up, so hopefully it'll grow on me over the next little while.

Audioslave. I think I may get this 'cause I loved Rage, I used to love Soundgarden, and...well....I enjoyed the last Audioslave album. I haven't heard the new single yet, although I've heard it sounds different from the previous stuff. I don't listen to the radio although I'm curious about what that person meant by that. We'll see.

Another possbile purchase today is the new Young Gunz, but again, we'll see.

While I'm getting those, I'm also going to be picking up the long-awaited DVD of Chappelle's Show Season 2. This is a necessary buy and I'm looking forward to seeing this..minus the commercials.

Oh man...that doesn't even count all the new albums that have come out recently that I haven't been able to pick up yet. The new System of a Down, Nine Inch Nails, Spoon (which I LOVE!!), Platinum Pied Pipers...and I think that's all I can think of. It scares me to think of what else is out there.

Damn. Looks like a great day (and a sad day for my bank account).


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