Motion Sickness - the music blog

Why motion sickness? I don't know. It's not like I literally get "nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship". Really, damn it, doesn't life sometimes feel like it moves too quickly where you may have to step outside for a second to unload? Yeah, I hear ya. This is why I listen to music!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Late pass?

I need to get a late pass.

I mean, it's impossible to listen to everything that comes out in the music world. Even when people I'm friends with are ranting and raving over certain artists, I still have trouble listening to it all. Sometimes that means not even giving it a chance. That's a horrible thing to write, 'cause I want to be known for having an open mind with music, but I'm only human, right?


I've heard the name Jeff Buckley for years (check out the wikipedia bio). It's not like I have friends who've been pushing him on me for years or anything, but I've heard and read his name from many respectable sources. I know I've heard a few of his songs as well, but they never really stuck before.

Until recently, that is. Enter my friend, 'ten', who exposed me to the genius that is Jeff Buckley. It's too bad this man is no longer around and can create more of the same kind of music that I've been listening to now for the last two months. He only made one full studio album, Grace (1994), but there are many live performance albums that have come out since his death.

I've been slowly digesting as many as I can. I listen to each live album multiple times before I even think of going on to the next one. They just get better and better. If only I could have seen him live...

"Live at Sin-é (Legacy Edition)"


...this is the disc that got me hooked. It's like everything clicked when I heard it. And this was only the beginning.

For those who doubt me or have never given him a shot, check it out. I'll even supply you with a late pass.

Do you have any other bands or artists that you can't believe you didn't know about before?


  • At 9:41 p.m., Blogger What Sarah Said said…

    The Hives. I didn't give the, much of a chance until I forced myself to listen to the full album and i was hooked. Its really too bad when a good album is overlooked because of the odd shitty track.


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