Motion Sickness - the music blog

Why motion sickness? I don't know. It's not like I literally get "nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship". Really, damn it, doesn't life sometimes feel like it moves too quickly where you may have to step outside for a second to unload? Yeah, I hear ya. This is why I listen to music!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hot Chip / Ben Harper

I just heard of this band called Hot Chip. Apparently they have an album coming out sometime in May, but I heard the advance. It's hard to decide which song I want to share with you, but I'm thinking I'll choose "Over and Over". The album is full of Postal Service, LCD Soundsystem, Bloc Party style, yet they have their own sound.

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I also recently heard the new double Ben Harper album, Both Sides of the Gun. I loved what I've heard. He apparently split it into two discs because each disc has a completely different sound from the other. It's true. The first side is chill, the other side is funk/rock (maybe that'll be different on the retail version). Much different from his older stuff, and reminiscent of old funk from the 60-70's. I'm looking forward to the retail version (and so should you).

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