Motion Sickness - the music blog

Why motion sickness? I don't know. It's not like I literally get "nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship". Really, damn it, doesn't life sometimes feel like it moves too quickly where you may have to step outside for a second to unload? Yeah, I hear ya. This is why I listen to music!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The FebSixMix

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I'm going to try to recap what I wrote last night before it got erased, but I'm going to make it much shorter. To sum it up, I described the songs that I included in the "Feb. 6 Mix".

1. Otis Redding - A Fool For You

2. Jamie Foxx (feat. Kanye) - Extravaganza

I dare you to listen to this song twice without having that chorus stuck in your head afterwards.

3. Gnarls Barkley - Crazy

Cee-lo and Danger Mouse

4. Prince - Erotic City

5. Cunninlynguists - Beautiful Girl

6. Ben Folds - Bitches Ain't Shit

The always amusing white-guy-singin'-rap-song routine. Dr. Dre has never sounded so lovely.

7. LCD Soundsystem - Tribulations

I've played this song to death at one point last year, but it came on shuffle recently and got me hooked again.

8. Lupe Fiasco - Kick, Push

First single off the (hopefully) forthcoming album. Lupe's the truth! (c) Nij

9. Slick Rick (feat. Outkast) - Street Talkin'

Another shuffle re-discovery

10. Sufjan Stevens - They Are Night Zombies!! They Are Neighbors!! They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhh!!


So that's a quickie about the song selection. Here's a link again ----> CLICK HERE

Enjoy the melodies!


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