Motion Sickness - the music blog

Why motion sickness? I don't know. It's not like I literally get "nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship". Really, damn it, doesn't life sometimes feel like it moves too quickly where you may have to step outside for a second to unload? Yeah, I hear ya. This is why I listen to music!

Friday, August 12, 2005

What can you do?

Seriously...what can you do?

I would love to update my blog more often, like I once did, but that is impossible. I refuse to get into details or explanations as to what is happening, but it's personal and very difficult for me to share.

Here are some of the better musical moments of my summer....briefly:

1) I saw Jon Brion live. Holy shit.

2) I saw Nas, KRS-one, Talib Kweli, Heiro (yes...and DEL!), Living Legends (Murs!), Redman!, Guru, RZA, Ghostface, Raekwon, IMMORTAL TECHNIQUE (VERY pleasant surprise), MED, Wildchild, Percee P (whoah), Supernat (!!!), Z-trip, DJ Q-bert....and a bunch of others...LIVE!! Too much, I tell ya....too much in one day. But well worth it.