Motion Sickness - the music blog

Why motion sickness? I don't know. It's not like I literally get "nausea and dizziness induced by motion, as in travel by aircraft, car, or ship". Really, damn it, doesn't life sometimes feel like it moves too quickly where you may have to step outside for a second to unload? Yeah, I hear ya. This is why I listen to music!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

DJ Shadow Mash-up

It's a little late, since The Private Press has been out for a couple of years now, but who cares. Here's a mash-up compilation / remix album of DJ Shadow's The Private Press. It's pretty good, so check it out. My interest was piqued 'cause the guy uses the same program that I use, which is MixMeister Pro 6 (highly recommend...I can send it to anyone who wants it). There are some interesting combo's here, such as Rage Against the Machine, MIA, Beastie Boys, Juno Reactor...etc. It's an internet-only download, so you've got nothing to lose!


  • At 5:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You rock Pauly. Thanks.

    (Its Julia...too lazy to log in)


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